Šoková šňůra Shock Tight je určena pro tvorbu šokových návazců, díky kterým je pak možné nahazovat montáže na velké vzdálenosti. Šňůra je také vhodná pro lov v blízkosti vázek.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Normal lines reflect UV rays which allows them to be seen by fish. Fluorocarbon lets UV pass through, not reflecting them off. Fluorocarbon is unnoticeable by fish. A lot of fisherman around the world use flouro as a leader and achieve great results.
Špičkový japonský výrobek, s neuvěřitelně stálou odolností k otěru , čímž je dosaženo téměř nulové absorpce vlhkosti. Tento rychle potápivý vlasec nabízí dobrý poměr pevnosti , citlivosti a hmotnosti.
Vznášivá pletená šňůra hustě splétaná do kruhového průřezu s průtažností do 2%, což zaručuje okamžitý kontakt s rybou. 8-mi pramenná, vyrobena ze směsi 100% Honeywell Spectra fiber + kevlar v poměru 3:1, dobře kopíruje dno, díky kevlaru velmi odolná proti oděru, určená do náročných podmínek.
Vznášivá pletená šňůra hustě splétaná do kruhového průřezu s průtažností do 2%, což zaručuje okamžitý kontakt s rybou. 8-mi pramenná, vyrobena ze směsi 100% Honeywell Spectra fiber + kevlar v poměru 3:1, dobře kopíruje dno, díky kevlaru velmi odolná proti oděru, určená do náročných podmínek.
Vznášivá pletená šňůra hustě splétaná do kruhového průřezu s průtažností do 2%, což zaručuje okamžitý kontakt s rybou. 8-mi pramenná, vyrobena ze směsi 100% Honeywell Spectra fiber + kevlar v poměru 3:1, dobře kopíruje dno, díky kevlaru velmi odolná proti oděru, určená do náročných podmínek.
Vznášivá pletená šňůra hustě splétaná do kruhového průřezu s průtažností do 2%, což zaručuje okamžitý kontakt s rybou. 8-mi pramenná, vyrobena ze směsi 100% Honeywell Spectra fiber + kevlar v poměru 3:1, dobře kopíruje dno, díky kevlaru velmi odolná proti oděru, určená do náročných podmínek.
Vznášivá pletená šňůra hustě splétaná do kruhového průřezu s průtažností do 2%, což zaručuje okamžitý kontakt s rybou. 8-mi pramenná, vyrobena ze směsi 100% Honeywell Spectra fiber + kevlar v poměru 3:1, dobře kopíruje dno, díky kevlaru velmi odolná proti oděru, určená do náročných podmínek.