Velmi dobrý systém pro atraktivní prezentaci mrtvé nástrahy a shadů. Může být užit pro vertikální i diagonální rybolov. Osazen trojháčkem Gamakatsu Treble 22NS.
Velmi dobrý systém pro atraktivní prezentaci mrtvé nástrahy a shadů. Může být užit pro vertikální i diagonální rybolov. Osazen trojháčkem Gamakatsu Treble 22NS.
Aktivní lov sumců s nástražní rybičkou vertikálně pod lodí je velmi úspěšný prakticky na všech lokalitách a mimořádně selektivní v tom smyslu, že dostaneme na háček zvláště opatrné a kapitální exempláře. A přesně pro tento účel potřebujeme Fire-Ball jig!
Těžké jigové hlavy s velkým háčkem a nezničitelným spojem s obratlíkem. Na hlavu Fireball můžete umisťovat různé nástrahy, jako jsou velké ryby nebo gumová kopyta a pod.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.
Stand-up jig heads with a built-in stainless steel rattle, which generates a clear sound even with gentle jigging or head-to-bottom contact. The sound of the rattle is very loud and is well spread by the alloy weight and water – it attracts cod, coalfish, etc. and prompts them to attack.