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Traper Carp Family Fish 5kg Running Waters- Natural

Manufacturer: Traper
This series of groundbait should not be missing in any good recipe, because it mainly determines the consistency for individual types of water, i.e. river, still water. The basic groundbait for running waters contains a higher percentage of sticky components, and for still waters it is crucial to ensure very fast breakdown and floating of the feed.
SKU: TR00077
Availability: Out of stock
259,00 Kč
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This series of groundbait should not be missing in any good recipe, because it mainly determines the consistency for individual types of water, i.e. river, still water. The basic groundbait for running waters contains a higher percentage of sticky components, and for still waters it is crucial to ensure very fast breakdown and floating of the feed. We can combine this series with any other series.

Running waters:
Heavy, well binding groundbait for river fishing. Attracts fish quickly. Adding specific additives and scent can make the mix suitable for specific species.

Still waters:

Groundbait for still water fishing. Light and lively acting blend attracts fish quickly and holds them for a longtime. Adding specific additives and scent can make the mix suitable for specific species.

  • Packaging: 5.0 kg
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