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Mikbaits Soft Feeder Extrudes 50ml Strawberry

Manufacturer: Mikbaits
Feeder extrudesare a great bait for classic bottom fishing or feeder for year-round use on all types of water. It is enough to stick 1 or 2 extrudes on a small hook up to the arch, it can also be hooked on a hair rig.
SKU: 11101857
Availability: 16 in stock
39,00 Kč
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Feeder extrudes are a great bait for classic bottom fishing or feeder for year-round use on all types of water. It is enough to stick 1 or 2 extrudes on a small hook up to the arch, it can also be hooked on a hair rig. You can make Feeder attractive with dip, Activator or Feeder plasma.

  • Diameter: approx 10mm
  • Package: 50 ml
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