The Exceler Catfish Boje rods are the proper tools to work with heavier sinkers and more sophisticated types of bait presentation. The semi-parabolic composite blanks are stiff enough to smash break lines, control the fish over large distances and force also large specimen securely in strong current. Due to the somewhat softer backbone also the fight with smaller and medium sizez fishes is real fun! Suited for fixed spool and multiplier reels
- HMC+® carbon fiber blank
- Spigot joint
- Seaguide® double leg guides
- Aluminum screw reel seat
- EVA handle
Kat.č. Art.No. Art.Nr. | Délka Length Länge | Vrhací zátěž Casting Weight Wurfgewicht | Transport Tr.Length Tr.-Länge | Hmotnost Weight Gewicht | Počet dílů Sections Teile | Počet oček Guides Ringe |
11818-276 | 2,70 m | 200-600 g | 140 cm | 370 g | 2 | 10 |
11818-306 | 3,00 m | 200-600 g | 155 cm | 440 g | 2 | 11 |
11818-336 | 3,30 m | 200-600 g | 169 cm | 470 g | 2 | 12 |