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Barillo Pellets 14mm 110g Vanilla

Manufacturer: Chytil Baits
Classic "Redfish" enhanced with a dry dip on the surface. The ideal bait that is maximally attractive. After being thrown into the water, a thick slime forms around the pellet within 5 minutes, which releases attractors into the water column.
Availability: 2 in stock
89,00 Kč
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Classic "Redfish" enhanced with a dry dip on the surface. The ideal bait that is maximally attractive. After being thrown into the water, a thick slime forms around the pellet within 5 minutes, which releases attractors into the water column. Dip not only prolongs the disintegration of the pellet (up to 3 hours) and also acts as a great attraction for carp (thanks to a strong odor signal).


Pineapple - yellow/green, Banana/Fish - yellow, Garlic - green, Strawberry - red, Liver - light red, Krill - orange, Honey - yellow, Scopex - orange, Plum - purple, Vanilla - yellow

  • Diameter: 14 mm
  • Packaging: 110 g
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