Profesionální a všestranná směs pro vnadění ryb ve všech typech vod. S použitím pouze těch nejkvalitnějších ingrediencí jsme vytvořili řadu krmení pro moderní rybáře a přizpůsobili jsme je nejoblíbenějším rybolovným technikám a druhům ryb.
Vnadící směs GENLOG HEMP, jak název napovídá, je produkt obsahující velkou dávkou konopí ve směsi. Díky perfektně sladěným proporcím směsi a pestrému složení jsme dokázali vytvořit nabídku krmení, která vám umožní chytat různé druhy kaprovitých ryb.
Vnadící směs GENLOG SUPER AROMA je extrémně aromatická směs krmení připravená pro použití v náročných, přerybněných a znečištěných revírech. Pečlivě zvolené složení láká, povzbuzuje ke krmení a drží ryby v místě vnadění.
Vnadící směs GENLOG SUPER AROMA je extrémně aromatická směs krmení připravená pro použití v náročných, přerybněných a znečištěných revírech. Pečlivě zvolené složení láká, povzbuzuje ke krmení a drží ryby v místě vnadění.
Vnadící směs GENLOG SUPER AROMA je extrémně aromatická směs krmení připravená pro použití v náročných, přerybněných a znečištěných revírech. Pečlivě zvolené složení láká, povzbuzuje ke krmení a drží ryby v místě vnadění.
Naprostá klasika mezi peletama. Skládají se z rybích mouček a rybího oleje. Díky dírce uprostřed se dobře nastražují na vlas. Doba rozpadu je od 1 hodiny až po 5 hodin ( záleží na velikosti pelety a teplotě vody).
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips are extra irritating strongly spiced boilies with very fast effectiveness, designed primarily for short-term catching, competitive fishing or wherever you need a very attractive bait.
Chilli Chips boosters are something between a dip and a booster. They are stronger and more expressive than other boosters, so they can also be used for dipping baits. However, their main use will be to tune the bait to the same odor wave as your Chilli Chips boilie flavor.
Chilli Chips boosters are something between a dip and a booster. They are stronger and more expressive than other boosters, so they can also be used for dipping baits. However, their main use will be to tune the bait to the same odor wave as your Chilli Chips boilie flavor.
Chilli Chips boosters are something between a dip and a booster. They are stronger and more expressive than other boosters, so they can also be used for dipping baits. However, their main use will be to tune the bait to the same odor wave as your Chilli Chips boilie flavor.
Chilli Chips boosters are something between a dip and a booster. They are stronger and more expressive than other boosters, so they can also be used for dipping baits. However, their main use will be to tune the bait to the same odor wave as your Chilli Chips boilie flavor.
High-quality floating boilies with a diameter of 10 mm, suitable for match fishing and feeder. Distinctly aromatic, they float great. Unexpected flavors for every situation and season.
High-quality floating boilies with a diameter of 10 mm, suitable for match fishing and feeder. Distinctly aromatic, they float great. Unexpected flavors for every situation and season.
High-quality floating boilies with a diameter of 10 mm, suitable for match fishing and feeder. Distinctly aromatic, they float great. Unexpected flavors for every situation and season.
High-quality floating boilies with a diameter of 10 mm, suitable for match fishing and feeder. Distinctly aromatic, they float great. Unexpected flavors for every situation and season.
High-quality floating boilies with a diameter of 10 mm, suitable for match fishing and feeder. Distinctly aromatic, they float great. Unexpected flavors for every situation and season.
High-quality floating boilies with a diameter of 10 mm, suitable for match fishing and feeder. Distinctly aromatic, they float great. Unexpected flavors for every situation and season.