Vysoce kvalitní teflonový kaprový háček s dokonale uzavřeným očkem. Tvar háčku je více otevřený. "Ztracené" rovné očko bez ostrých hran. Jeden z nejoblíbenejších typů háčků.
Tyto háčky byly navázány s použitím háčků Gamakatsu A1 Super v kamuflážních odstínech. Písčitá ‘bahno’ verze je speciálně vyvinuta pro chyttání na dně, ale může být použita i pro povrchový rybolov jako imitace plovoucích nečistot.
Tyto háčky byly navázány s použitím háčků Gamakatsu A1 Super v kamuflážních odstínech. Písčitá ‘bahno’ verze je speciálně vyvinuta pro chyttání na dně, ale může být použita i pro povrchový rybolov jako imitace plovoucích nečistot.
Tyto háčky byly navázány s použitím háčků Gamakatsu A1 Super v kamuflážních odstínech. Písčitá ‘bahno’ verze je speciálně vyvinuta pro chyttání na dně, ale může být použita i pro povrchový rybolov jako imitace plovoucích nečistot.
Tyto háčky byly navázány s použitím háčků Gamakatsu A1 Super v kamuflážních odstínech. Písčitá ‘bahno’ verze je speciálně vyvinuta pro chyttání na dně, ale může být použita i pro povrchový rybolov jako imitace plovoucích nečistot.
S potěšením představujeme travnatě zelenou verzi háčkůGamakatsu Humpback.Travnatá ‘tráva’ verze je vyvinuta pro chytání na dně, na hladině a s pop-up boilies.
The Armorok Curve features a straight eye & mid-length shank, angled at 25 degrees. The straight eye makes the Armorok Curve perfect for use with any type of hook link material.
The Armorok Curve features a straight eye & mid-length shank, angled at 25 degrees. The straight eye makes the Armorok Curve perfect for use with any type of hook link material.
The Armorok Curve features a straight eye & mid-length shank, angled at 25 degrees. The straight eye makes the Armorok Curve perfect for use with any type of hook link material.
The Armorok Curve features a straight eye & mid-length shank, angled at 25 degrees. The straight eye makes the Armorok Curve perfect for use with any type of hook link material.
The Armorok Curve features a straight eye & mid-length shank, angled at 25 degrees. The straight eye makes the Armorok Curve perfect for use with any type of hook link material.
The Armorok Chod features a straight point & wide gape, which gives optimum hooking potential when fished with a pop-up. The straight shank & 8 degree out-turned eye makes it perfect for using with chod filament or stiff mono.
The Armorok Chod features a straight point & wide gape, which gives optimum hooking potential when fished with a pop-up. The straight shank & 8 degree out-turned eye makes it perfect for using with chod filament or stiff mono.
The Armorok Chod features a straight point & wide gape, which gives optimum hooking potential when fished with a pop-up. The straight shank & 8 degree out-turned eye makes it perfect for using with chod filament or stiff mono.
The Armorok Chod features a straight point & wide gape, which gives optimum hooking potential when fished with a pop-up. The straight shank & 8 degree out-turned eye makes it perfect for using with chod filament or stiff mono.
The Armorok Chod features a straight point & wide gape, which gives optimum hooking potential when fished with a pop-up. The straight shank & 8 degree out-turned eye makes it perfect for using with chod filament or stiff mono.
The Armorok Chod features a straight point & wide gape, which gives optimum hooking potential when fished with a pop-up. The straight shank & 8 degree out-turned eye makes it perfect for using with chod filament or stiff mono.
The Armorok Chod features a straight point & wide gape, which gives optimum hooking potential when fished with a pop-up. The straight shank & 8 degree out-turned eye makes it perfect for using with chod filament or stiff mono.
The Armorok Chod features a straight point & wide gape, which gives optimum hooking potential when fished with a pop-up. The straight shank & 8 degree out-turned eye makes it perfect for using with chod filament or stiff mono.
The Armorok Wide Gape hook features a beaked point, wide gape between the shank & the point and carries a 10 degree in-turned eye. With this combination of features, the Armorok Wide Gape provides superb hooking potential, long-lasting durability and ultimate reliability when it really matters.
The Armorok Wide Gape hook features a beaked point, wide gape between the shank & the point and carries a 10 degree in-turned eye. With this combination of features, the Armorok Wide Gape provides superb hooking potential, long-lasting durability and ultimate reliability when it really matters.
The Armorok Wide Gape hook features a beaked point, wide gape between the shank & the point and carries a 10 degree in-turned eye. With this combination of features, the Armorok Wide Gape provides superb hooking potential, long-lasting durability and ultimate reliability when it really matters.
The Armorok Wide Gape hook features a beaked point, wide gape between the shank & the point and carries a 10 degree in-turned eye. With this combination of features, the Armorok Wide Gape provides superb hooking potential, long-lasting durability and ultimate reliability when it really matters.
The Armorok Wide Gape hook features a beaked point, wide gape between the shank & the point and carries a 10 degree in-turned eye. With this combination of features, the Armorok Wide Gape provides superb hooking potential, long-lasting durability and ultimate reliability when it really matters.