The Base-X Allround is the perfect choice for anglers looking for an affordable and versatile rod that is suitable for various fishing techniques and fish species. Built with sensitive yet powerful fibreglass blanks to ensure clear bite indication and to allow proper hook sets.
The Base-X Allround is the perfect choice for anglers looking for an affordable and versatile rod that is suitable for various fishing techniques and fish species. Built with sensitive yet powerful fibreglass blanks to ensure clear bite indication and to allow proper hook sets.
The Base-X Allround is the perfect choice for anglers looking for an affordable and versatile rod that is suitable for various fishing techniques and fish species. Built with sensitive yet powerful fibreglass blanks to ensure clear bite indication and to allow proper hook sets.
The Base-X Tele 100 offers a lot of rod for little money. A telescopic rod series that covers a wide range of fishing styles. Whether distance and bottom fishing in rivers and lakes, on the pier with a herring paternoster or light surf fishing on the coast, the Base-X Tele 100 is the rod for the job.
The Base-X Tele 100 offers a lot of rod for little money. A telescopic rod series that covers a wide range of fishing styles. Whether distance and bottom fishing in rivers and lakes, on the pier with a herring paternoster or light surf fishing on the coast, the Base-X Tele 100 is the rod for the job.
The Base-X Tele 100 offers a lot of rod for little money. A telescopic rod series that covers a wide range of fishing styles. Whether distance and bottom fishing in rivers and lakes, on the pier with a herring paternoster or light surf fishing on the coast, the Base-X Tele 100 is the rod for the job.
Pruty Base-X Tele Stellfisch jsou dlouhé a silné teleskopické pruty, které se nejčastěji používají k lovu štik na nástražní rybku. Dlouhá délka napomáhá prezentovat nástražní rybku na jinak těžko dostupných místech, jako jsou například druhý konec potopeného stromu nebo okraj proudu.