eXpress is one of the fastest acting boilies you can find anywhere. Although it's not heavily scented, shots of it tend to be much more common than the vast majority of competing boilies.
eXpress je jedno z nejrychleji působících boilie, jaké kde můžete sehnat. Přestože není nijak silně navoněný, záběry na něj bývají okamžité a velmi časté.
Express is one of the most effective boilie, fast with instant and frequent runs. This is becouse of hight attractivity of the base mix and liquid foods, with release the tempting signals in the water. Express is beeing weared down in the water and attracts the fish to feed.
Express is one of the most effective boilie, fast with instant and frequent runs. This is becouse of hight attractivity of the base mix and liquid foods, with release the tempting signals in the water. Express is beeing weared down in the water and attracts the fish to feed.
Express is one of the most effective boilie, fast with instant and frequent runs. This is becouse of hight attractivity of the base mix and liquid foods, with release the tempting signals in the water. Express is beeing weared down in the water and attracts the fish to feed.
Express is one of the most effective boilie, fast with instant and frequent runs. This is becouse of hight attractivity of the base mix and liquid foods, with release the tempting signals in the water. Express is beeing weared down in the water and attracts the fish to feed.
Express is one of the most effective boilie, fast with instant and frequent runs. This is becouse of hight attractivity of the base mix and liquid foods, with release the tempting signals in the water. Express is beeing weared down in the water and attracts the fish to feed.
Express is one of the most effective boilie, fast with instant and frequent runs. This is becouse of hight attractivity of the base mix and liquid foods, with release the tempting signals in the water. Express is beeing weared down in the water and attracts the fish to feed.
Mamut boilie je určené především k lovu sumců, ulovily se na ně ryby i přes 2 m délky. Občas na ně zaberou i trofejní kapři. Pevné boilie obří velikosti 50x35mm ve tvaru nuggety vydrží nastražené mnoho hodin a bezpečně odolá ataku menších ryb.
Mamut boilie je určené především k lovu sumců, ulovily se na ně ryby i přes 2 m délky. Občas na ně zaberou i trofejní kapři. Pevné boilie obří velikosti 50x35mm ve tvaru nuggety vydrží nastražené mnoho hodin a bezpečně odolá ataku menších ryb.