Gangster is one of the best boilies for big carp fishing. The magic of G2 lies in an incredibly fully mixture without any bulking ingredients, first-class essences, essential oils and, last but not least, Anchovies extract, which we use just and only for this boilie.
We've been developing the Gangster G7 Master Krill for almost three years to fine-tune the boilies that deserve to be in this premium line. In the end, we chose a variant in which we let a special strong krill extract in a double dosage stand out. In addition, a little delicate essence with the flavor of sea animals and a great original EO Black pepper.
We let these catching specials soak into the best liquid food, essences and EO. We then pour them down and gently wrap the boilie in a layer composed of such delicacies as GLM extract, Robin Red, etc.
We let these catching specials soak into the best liquid food, essences and EO. We then pour them down and gently wrap the boilie in a layer composed of such delicacies as GLM extract, Robin Red, etc.
We let these catching specials soak into the best liquid food, essences and EO. We then pour them down and gently wrap the boilie in a layer composed of such delicacies as GLM extract, Robin Red, etc.
We let these catching specials soak into the best liquid food, essences and EO. We then pour them down and gently wrap the boilie in a layer composed of such delicacies as GLM extract, Robin Red, etc.
We let these catching specials soak into the best liquid food, essences and EO. We then pour them down and gently wrap the boilie in a layer composed of such delicacies as GLM extract, Robin Red, etc.
Boilie in a dip is a softer more attractive variant of the classic boilie. It is especially suitable for situations where you need a more attractive bait than your bait.
Boilie in a dip is a softer more attractive variant of the classic boilie. It is especially suitable for situations where you need a more attractive bait than your bait.
Boilie in a dip is a softer more attractive variant of the classic boilie. It is especially suitable for situations where you need a more attractive bait than your bait.
Tyto chytací speciály necháváme nasáknout do těch nejlepších tekutých potrav, esencí a EO. Ty poté slijeme a boilie jemně obalíme do vrstvy složené z takových delikates, jako je GLM extrakt, Robin Red apod.
Jak název napovídá, jedná se o silně dipovanou potápivou nástrahu. Naše tradiční boilies v několika příchutích jsme Vám připravili v tom nejatraktivnějším možném podání.
Jessy jsou speciální 18 mm nástrahy v dipu určené především pro lov jeseterů. Jsou to masově rybí boilie s příchutí ryb, sýru a koření. Při jejich vývoji jsme vycházeli z poznatků rybářů, kteří se specializují na jesetery. Samozřejmě, tyto boilie jsou atraktivní i pro kapry, sumce a další ryby.