Zig-up jsou pěnové plovoucí kuličky, určené především pro chytání na zig rig s nástrahou ve sloupci. Jejich hlavní výhodou je prakticky neomezené schopnost plavat a vynést i dlouhý návazec do sloupce. Zig-up efektně přijímají dipy, esence a jiné tekuté ochucovače.
Floating boilies copy the classic boilies offered by Carp Servis with their variants. Undoubtedly, the advantage is considerable buoyancy stability. They can easily be re-dipped in liquid dips. However, the ideal aromatization is a special aroma in the form of a few drops. Works until freezing.
Fluo Mirabel are, like Mirabel, submersible 12 mm boilies from the Spiceman, eXpress and Robin Fish series, but coated several times in our first-class Fluo Slime. The highly attractive base of the boilie will remain, but a soft, highly attractive cloud will form on the surface, increasing the attraction even more.
Tyto nové plovky se vyznačují velmi atraktivními fluo barvami, mají výborný výtlak, takže se skvěle hodí pro Ronnie Rig a Zig Rig montáže a samozřejmě běžné nastražení pop-upů, nebo na „panáčka“ je s nimi rovněž dokonalé, zároveň dobře sají a bezproblémů tak přijímají další posilovače.
This boilies, which can be used all year round, does not contain a single gram of fish and meat meal, is easy to build, slowly releases, and is suitable for regular feeding. It is given a twist by the exclusive Japanese strawberry essence, which not only smells like strawberries, but also tastes as sharp as a Japanese samurai's sword.
Ronnie pop-up jsou 14 mm extra plovoucí fluo boilie vyráběné ze speciální směsi. Jsou nesmírně atraktivní, vysoce viditelné a především, dlouho a zcela nadstandardně plavou.
Spiceman Chilli Squid v sobě ukrývá neodolatelnou atraktivitu pikantně kořeněné směsi Spiceman doplněné o olihňovou moučku a neskutečnou sílu originální britské esence Squid Octopus, nejlepší olihňové esence, která kdy spatřila světlo světa.
Boilie v dipu je měkčí zatraktivněná varianta klasického boilie. Je vhodná zejména pro situace, kdy potřebujete atraktivnější nástrahu, než je vaše návnada. Nebo ji můžete použít tehdy, kdy chcete chytat na jiný průměr než na ten, se kterým vnadíte
Boilie v dipu je měkčí zatraktivněná varianta klasického boilie. Je vhodná zejména pro situace, kdy potřebujete atraktivnější nástrahu, než je vaše návnada. Nebo ji můžete použít tehdy, kdy chcete chytat na jiný průměr než na ten, se kterým vnadíte
Boilie v dipu je měkčí zatraktivněná varianta klasického boilie. Je vhodná zejména pro situace, kdy potřebujete atraktivnější nástrahu, než je vaše návnada. Nebo ji můžete použít tehdy, kdy chcete chytat na jiný průměr než na ten, se kterým vnadíte
The Amur series is primarily intended for hunting grass carp, but it is equally effective for carp. All products are based on a sweet and fruity base, which has proven to be the most effective for us.
The Amur series is primarily intended for hunting grass carp, but it is equally effective for carp. All products are based on a sweet and fruity base, which has proven to be the most effective for us.
The Amur series is primarily intended for hunting grass carp, but it is equally effective for carp. All products are based on a sweet and fruity base, which has proven to be the most effective for us.
The Amur series is primarily intended for hunting grass carp, but it is equally effective for carp. All products are based on a sweet and fruity base, which has proven to be the most effective for us.
The Amur series is primarily intended for hunting grass carp, but it is equally effective for carp. All products are based on a sweet and fruity base, which has proven to be the most effective for us.
Boilies Pandemia contains a classic full-sized boilies ball of the given flavor. The ball is coated with dip and mini-pellets containing betaine, essences and other attractants. You can choose from 9 types.
Soluble boilies immediately begin to dissolve and release tempting signals after being thrown into the water. They are the most irritating balls we have ever made. They are mainly intended for short-term fishing, competitive fishing, fishing in cold water, or when the fish are not taking.
Mikbaits 14 mm fluo pop-up boilie is a very effective bait, which can be used both alone and in combination with a classic boilie. Their distinctive color attracts the attention of fish from afar, their strong attractive aroma entices them to bite. Fluo pop-up Mikbaits have a long-lasting ability to float on all types of pop-up boilie rigs.
X-Class are boilies designed primarily for stronger baiting, but of course they can also be successfully hooked. They are made from the time-tested MultiMiX mixture with a 25% fishmeal content, which gives them a natural brown color.
Gangster is one of the best boilies for big carp fishing. The magic of G2 lies in an incredibly fully mixture without any bulking ingredients, first-class essences, essential oils and, last but not least, Anchovies extract, which we use just and only for this boilie.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
Do you really want to catch? So you have exactly the bait you need in your hands. Mekule is a flexible, supple bait, designed primarily for fast catching, which will fill you with action and not let you run out of breath.
We present to you our very hot new product 2023 in the series of products with the same name Anštajn (Einstein). All products with this name have several common denominators. Among the most important is the so-called natural foundation. It can be said that with Anštajn, most of the signals perceived by our senses come from extracts of natural herbs and spices.
This boilies, which can be used all year round, does not contain a single gram of fish and meat meal, is easy to build, slowly releases, and is suitable for regular feeding. It is given a twist by the exclusive Japanese strawberry essence, which not only smells like strawberries, but also tastes as sharp as a Japanese samurai's sword.
Jak název napovídá, jedná se o silně dipovanou potápivou nástrahu. Naše tradiční boilies v několika příchutích jsme Vám připravili v tom nejatraktivnějším možném podání.